Андрей Красулин Материал. Процесс. Интуиция

Catalogue for the homonymous exhibition
held at the Nadja Brykina Gallery

Publisher: Nadja Brykina
Editors: Anna Brouver, Peter Erni

160 p., 122 colour fig.
30 x 25 cm, softcover
ISBN 978-3-9523522-2-9
© 2011 Nadja Brykina Gallery AG

„He works in the spirit of constructivism, but complements it in two important ways: with figurativeness and materiality.“

The catalogue "Andrey Krasulin - Material. Process. Intuition" was published at the vernissage of the homonymous exhibition held at the Nadja Brykina Gallery in Zurich. This publication illustrates his newest works, a series of photographs taken in Switzerland and the most important waypoints in the artistic career of the constructivist Artist.